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  1. After our appointment we will cover your tattoo with a second skin film.

  2. You removing the second skin film after 3 days.

  3. After you remove the film you gonna wash your tattoo with liquid antibacterial soap.

  4. Air dry it or with a paper towel gently bad to absorb the water.

  5. Apply a thin layer of aftercare cream for 10-14 days 3 times a day.

  6. Don't pick the scabs.

  7. You can't go for swimming or sunbeds for at least 2 weeks.

  8. After 30 days contract your artist to check how was the healing process.

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Appointment day

Before you appointment have a good sleep. Don't drink the previous or the next night. Take few snacks so you can have you sugar levels high. Drink plenty of water.

Wear conformable clothes.

Healing Process

  1. Remove second skin after 3 days or cling film after 3 hours.

  2. Wash the tattoo with antibacterial liquid soap and warm water.

  3. Dry the tattoo with paper towel.

  4. Aply aftercare cream 3 times a day.(thin layer)

  5. Repeat for 10-14 days

  6. Don't cover your tattoo again.

  7. Come back after 2 months to take a healed photo.

Special Attention

-Be careful-

The sun is the enemy of the tattoo. After the healing you have to apply 50+ sun screen when you stay at the sun for long time.


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